Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Feeling like a rock star

I've been slacking on the blogging front the past week, but when it comes to setting up shop in California, I feel like a rock star. :)

Jess helped me move most of the boxes out of the storage unit. I quickly remembered how helpful it always was to have a truck around. We fit everything into the car (in multiple trips of course), but some of the things barely fit in the back seat.

Then Thursday rolled around . . . the official end of the Trip and the day Jess had to fly back home. :( We spent the morning and early afternoon in San Diego, enjoying the heat (over 90 degrees!) and exploring the waterfront.

We had our final FRG meeting Thursday night as well, the first one that I was actually in town to attend. The meeting centered around the boys' homecoming and it served to make us a million times more excited!

As of Saturday the house has furniture, thanks to two of Bryce's friends that are back in California. They were lifesavers, considering I certainly couldn't have lifted most of the furniture, let alone drive the moving truck or put the bed or dressers back together again.

So why do I feel like a rock star you ask? Is it because when I sing and dance around I remind my neighbors (and all passersby) of a superstar? Well, as true as that may be, nope. In addition to furniture, in the past week I have unpacked the entire house, rented a washer and dryer, set up wireless internet and hooked up the cable TV. I ordered a dining room table, and have put together the chairs (still waiting on the table and bench to be delivered). Curtains are up on the windows and frames are on the wall. The house is almost completely decorated and the kitchen is pretty well stocked with groceries. The freezer is filled with muffins, rolls and cookies. Oh, and the DVDs are in alphabetical order... :)

Now all that's left to do is wait. Actually, that's a lie, there is lots more to do, but for tonight I'm going to just imagine that I am all done. :)

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