Monday, November 1, 2010

Day Twenty-Eight - Camp Pendleton, California

We made it!

Alright, we packed up and made it out of the house right on time this morning (7:45). Our first stop (after filling up the gas tank), was Cracker Barrel. Yes, again, but for the last time unfortunately. :( We were meeting Stephanie, a friend of Jessica's for breakfast before we left Phoenix. Breakfast was delicious, as always and we were all stuffed afterwards.

We got on the road by 9:30, and started the trek towards Camp Pendleton. Jess and I took turns driving, and made it "home" by 4:00. Our first stop was Kyla's, since it was on the way and I haven't seen her since I visited a few months back. It was fantastic to see her and baby Ben again. The housing office closed at 5:30, so we left shortly after 4:00 to drive through base. Which I clearly didn't think through, since there was traffic everywhere. Thirty minutes later we made it to housing, where I was told that I didn't have the right paperwork, and needed to go to a different office in a different area of base first. That office was five minutes away from closing, so they pretty much told me I was SOL for the evening (in nicer words, of course). I was royally pissed. I had originally been told that all I needed to do was call the day before I was set to move in (which was today), to schedule an appointment to sign the lease. That was it. I called, left three voicemails before finally getting ahold of someone, who told me that I didn't even need an appointment, I could just show up. I show up...nothing. I was (am) pissed. Plus I cut my finger and the woman looked at me like I was insane when I asked her for a band aid. I had blood running down my finger (TMI, but true), and she acted like she had never heard of a band aid before. Grrr. Oh, and I was reminded that the base stickers on the car are expired, so there's another thing to add to the list.

Fortunately, Kyla is amazing and has a super comfortable couch. I'll be waking up early tomorrow to head down to base to figure everything out.

Well after I became super frustrated, we called Kyla and had her and Ben meet us for dinner at Islands. We were a little mixed up on the location (ie, we ended up at two different restaurants), but we figured it out and enjoyed some delicious hamburgers. Then it was back to bunk down at Kyla's for the night. I can't wait to see the house tomorrow and get everything unpacked and set up! Yay!

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